Choosing the right dog Breed for My household

July 12, 2022 0 Comments

I’m excited to add one more dog to our household in 2021! I’ve been carefully selecting the right dog breed for us (over analyzing, for sure).

I’m composing this to:

Show exactly how important it is to carefully select any type of dog or puppy
Process my option (writing assists me do so)
Document my life with dogs

Choosing the right dog breed for us

In the last 3 months, I have spoken by email or phone with 9 different breeders, 3 shelters as well as 1 rescue group.

I’ve filled out their questionnaires, asked many of my own questions, weighed the pros & cons of each option, complied with them on Instagram as well as emailed past puppy buyers.

Talking with each one has been a positive experience.

After great deals as well as great deals of thinking, I decided I want a field-bred Labrador from a great breeder.

I truly enjoy working with breeders who like as well as support their breed as well as focus on:

and the dogs’ capabilities to thrive doing their work.

I expect a great deal from my dogs.

I push them physically as we train for path marathons. We work difficult in agility. as well as now that I online in Montana (vs. San Diego), I plan to train my dogs for hunting.

I am excited about all of these training adventures. My heart is full when I’m working with my dogs. I like discovering together with them as well as watching what they can do.

The right dog breed is different for everyone

Choosing the right dog breed has been extremely difficult for me. I’ll only get to have so many dogs in my life; I want to select them wisely.

To be honest, I’m worried I’ll be tired with a Lab. They’re just so normal as well as everybody has one – for great reason, they’re nice dogs!

On the plus side, Labs are generally calmer as well as much easier to train than a weimaraner, my present dog. (Although “calm” is all relative. What’s “calm” for me may be “hyper” for somebody else)

Knowing what I want in a dog

Here’s what I’m looking for in my “perfect” dog. Of program there is no such thing as this imaginary perfect dog.

Long distance path running buddy. 3-4 miles most days as well as 10+ miles on some weekends. (once age appropriate)
Friendly with dogs, kids, cats as well as strangers.
Able to train for agility for fun as well as light competition.
Has an “off switch” in the home while I’m working, presuming I’ve done my part to provide exercise & training.
Calm at breweries, patios as well as during travel (with training).
Sticks close when hiking & running off leash (with training).
Able to train for hunting as a pastime as well as perhaps search tests.

And … it’s not all about ME. I likewise requirement to make sure that I’m providing the very best house for whatever type of dog I choose. I do feel I can provide a great house for any type of of the sporting breeds.

So … why not one more weimaraner?

You may wonder, why is she thinking about a lab vs. a higher-energy athlete like one more weimaraner?

It’s a tough option for me. however what it comes down to is I like my high-energy endurance athlete, Remy. however I don’t necessarily requirement two extremely high-energy dogs right now. (Perhaps at some point!) I definitely have vizslas, German shorthairs as well as Brittanys on my brain … however perhaps for the future.

Plus, Labs are athletic too

The lab breeder I’m working with breeds dogs for hunting. She tells me all of her dogs are extremely athletic as well as will make great running partners, even as much as 10 miles.

These Labs are calm in the home however have an intense working drive around birds as well as guns. They are clearly strong as well as quick in the field, extremely in shape as well as muscular. I will not have a fat Lab, I promise you that!

Still, I’m not persuaded I will be able to take a lab on 10-mile runs. I truly hope so, however it depends upon the dog. Either way, I’ll still have Remy for long-distance running.

Other benefits of the Labrador dog breed

Labs are (generally) simple to train. I view Labs as athletic dogs who do not necessarily requirement constant “busyness” like my weim.

I feel Labs are a great breed for my very first genuine gun dog as well as hunting companion. I am extremely excited to begin training a retriever for hunting.

My weimaraner Remy has prospective to be a hunting dog too, as well as I have just started to work with him with our regional NAVHDA group. however I am likewise thinking about training a hunting dog from the extremely beginning. It is a new experience for me.

Choosing the right dog breeD para el clima frío

Los laboratorios tienen un abrigo grueso para protegerlos de los largos y duros inviernos de Montana. ¡Los únicos meses que no teníamos nieve en 2019 fueron julio y agosto!

El abrigo de un laboratorio también la protege del calor de verano. Nosotros, en línea en 5,000 pies de elevación, por lo que el sol puede ser intenso aquí también. Por esta razón, así como desde todo lo que hago, vamos con un laboratorio amarillo vs. chocolate o negro.

¡Y los laboratorios están lejos de ser perfectos!

Un perro perdiguero de Labrador de raza pura puede ser muchas cosas … de baja energía, así como suaves … excitadas excesivamente a los juguetes o palos.

Son fuertes, así como tienden a saltar a las personas, tímidos en la correa, van a chocar después de una pelota. Mi mezcla de laboratorio, Ace me golpeó en mi espalda, una vez después de una pelota. ¡Ni siquiera se dio cuenta de que me golpeó! (Lloré.)

Los laboratorios cobraron mucho (como, mucho), así como son propensos a problemas conjuntos. Están lentamente para madurar psicológicamente, así como los laboratorios jóvenes, lamentablemente, se identifican “hiper” por muchas personas. Esta etiqueta es precisa.

Algunos laboratorios son tan nueces como un Weim o una Vizsla.

Pero cada perro es un individuo. Compuse sobre esto aquí.

Los buenos criadores, así como la genética, solo pueden hacer mucho.

Como dueños de perros, es tanto como nosotros hagamos lo mejor que podamos con entrenamiento, socialización, ejercicio, descubriendo el mejor veterinario. Alimentación de alimentos saludables. Haciendo opciones sabias en Spaying & Neutering.

Y, por supuesto, tomándose el tiempo para seleccionar al perro o cachorro adecuado para nuestra situación actual. Tenemos la suerte de tener tantas opciones.

Estoy emocionado por nuestro próximo cachorro. ¡No puedo esperar para satisfacerla! Lo más probable es que sea más de un año antes de que nuestro cachorro haya nacido. Los grandes criadores comúnmente tienen listados de espera de varios meses o incluso un año. Cuando todo está confirmado, te mantendré informado.

Remy estará tan emocionado de tener un perro más alrededor. Al absolutamente le gustan los demás perros, así como compartió nuestra casa tan bien con su hermano Raven en enero.

Mientras que el maravilloso Raven no era el perro correcto para nosotros, ella le ayudó a mostrarme exactamente lo grande que está remy con un amigo. Además, y exactamente la forma en que todo mi tiempo lo pasamos entrenando (horas y horas) realmente ha dado sus frutos.

¡Lo creas o no, Remy realmente será un gran modelo de función! (¡Ahora eso es un pensamiento aterrador! Jaja.)

¡No puedo esperar en 2021!

Si está dispuesto, por favor comparta sobre la toma de decisiones (o falta de ella) cuando seleccionó a su perro.

¡Déjame entender en los comentarios! ¡Di gracias a ti!

Lindsay (y remy)

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